Creating a new group combining many existing groups
Sync data from Realsmart, to Apple School Manager
This article is for Admins only to reset staff or students passwords in bulk
QR sign in for Primary Schools
Decide which role your staff should get- Member or Owner
Teachers or SLT are requesting bespoke Classes. Create them in smartadmin.
Daily sync automatically creates any new users in your MIS but you need accounts that are not in your MIS. e.g Governors or supply staff etc.
How to create an app for realsmart admins.
How to remove an app from your School Apps.
How to enable the new version of cpanel on your smartsite, you can switch back to the old version at any time.
With new options to set password complexity, expiry duration and number of characters
Google have rolled out a shared drive update setting the default shared drive limit to 100 GB
There are many reasons you might want to add another teacher to a google classroom for example staff absence, class sharing or for work scrutiny. Anyone with access to smartadmin can quickly add themselves to any Google Classroom in school following this method.
e.g. adding all of your year 7 students in to a new group
Manage your groups and classes in realsmart
always update google user 1st when re-naming users
Easily manage your group setting in realsmart
Update or create users by csv import
Not all Admins need superadmin access so we've created a simplified Admin role for Users, Groups and Apps management in smartadmin.
QR Code Login to realsmart and Google Workspace