List of data collected about parents or guardians:

i. Forename

ii. Surname

iii. Email address

iv. Phone number (optional)

This data is available to the school.

It can be removed by contacting the school directly

Data about your child:

Where it comes from.

Realsmart collect this data from the school’s MIS, this data was provided by the school or Local Authority.

  1. UPN

  2. MIS ID (unique id for each user in your MIS)

  3. Preferred Forename

  4. Preferred Surname

  5. Legal Forename

  6. Legal Surname

  7. Username (usually generated via username policy)*

  8. Password (only stored as an encrypted hash, not accessible)

  9. Year group (taught in)

  10. List of group names the user is a member of (usually class / teaching groups)

  11. House (school house, if used)

  12. Registration Group

  13. Admission number (from MIS)

  14. Timetable

  15. Attendance

  16. Behaviour

  17. Rewards

  18. List and content of homework (if used)

Where it came from

Data in a-r is provided by the school

Data in i-iv is provided by the parent or guardian

Where it is stored?

All data is stored on Amazon Web Services in the European Union.

Who we share it with?

The following data is shared with G Suite for Education and is used under terms covered in the Google Suite for Education Privacy that can be found here and are managed by the school’s Data Protection Officer. This agreement is between the school and Google, realsmart is not a signatory to this agreement.

  1. Preferred Forename

  2. Preferred Surname

  3. Username (usually generated via username policy)*

  4. Password (only stored as an encrypted hash, not accessible)

  5. Year group (taught in)

  6. List of group names the user is a member of (usually class / teaching groups)

  7. House (school house, if used)

  8. Registration Group

  9. Timetable

realsmart LTD do not share this data with any other organisations or third parties.