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[quotes] Shortcode Guide

A user guide for the quotes shortcode.

What does it do?

The quotes shortcode allows you to display a carousel of quotes on the webpage, this is useful for putting either inspirational quotes or ofsted feedback.

How do I use it?

To embed this shortcode into the page, you need to copy the following HTML:

[quotes][quote author="Headteacher Name" role="Head"]
This is a quote
[/quote][quote author="John Doe" role="Ofsted Inspector"]
This is a quote
[/quote][quote author="Deputy Head Name" role="Deputy Head"]
This is a quote


  • author="" - sets the author to display for the quote.
  • role="" - sets the role of the author of the quote.

Once you have copied this, paste it into the page in the text editor view, click update/publish, and then refresh the page.

Tags: shortcode user guide quotes quotes slider
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